I love finding our rugs in unexpected places on the web. Browsing through my favorite Blogs last week I stumbled upon our La Scala Chevron rug in Medium Blue on the Front & Main West Elm Blog. The post is about using free wallpaper samples in frames as great DIY Wall decor.
When I read the post I realized the author was from one of the cutest kids clothing lines Cuteheads. Name is very appropriate. Their kids clothes are all ‘Made in the USA’ like our rugs!
We got some great shots of the rug in their home. I love how she accents the rug with some fantastic teal accent decor pieces. What a great living room design! The candlesticks, the coffee table tray, and the chevron pillow all pull this room together without being too “matchy”.
I love the texture of this rug. It has a subtle textured finish that gives it great dimension. The nylon face is soft to touch and it’s even more amazing under a Mohawk Home Rug Pad!
We love our Chevrons at Mohawk Home! Check out our entire Pinterest board dedicated to it! Click here for a world of amazing Chevrons!